

Your gift helps ensure 佛得角谷学校 remains a place where people from all over the world can come to live, 研究, and work together in hopes of making the world a better place.  It ensures that the 艺术s, music, and theater are shared and celebrated. And it assures that unique programs like Field Trips and 项目周期 continue for future VVS generations.

Whether you’re considering a gift to the 年度基金, a donation to our Global Goals Malawi Program, 我们愿望清单上的一件东西, 或者占用你一个小时的时间, we appreciate that you are making 佛得角谷学校 a financial priority.

We are happy to share that 100% of our board of trustees, faculty and staff contribute donations and/or in-kind services to 佛得角谷学校.


Naming 佛得角谷学校 as a recipient of your matching gift program can double or even triple the size of your donation, regardless of the method by which you choose to give. Please check with your human resources dep艺术ment to obtain the appropriate paperwork and notify the VVS Advancement Office at the time of making your gift.



  • 今天捐赠!

  • 美国原住民奖学金基金

    现在捐赠 to the 美国原住民奖学金基金

    Since its inception, VVS has welcomed and p艺术nered with the local nations. In fact, the Hopi and Navajo nations helped to build our campus facilities. Our principle of World Citizenship and Cultural Understanding evolved from our belief that students from around the world and “down the street” will develop together a sense of acceptance, a value for different cultures and a deep commitment that each of our students bring their backgrounds and experiences to the school community and in turn, we become an educational arena where we all learn from one another and share in that knowledge. Jackson Browne helped to create the 美国原住民奖学金基金 with several annual music concerts on the VVS campus, with performances from 艺术ists like Neil Young, 詹姆斯·布朗, 邦尼·, 靛蓝女孩, 克罗斯比, 剧照, 还有纳什和其他许多人. All proceeds added to the fund in an ongoing commitment to bring awareness and support for native students.
    The 美国原住民奖学金基金 provides tuition assistance to any native student with a financial need. 除了, the 美国原住民奖学金基金 provides funds for native programs, 研讨会, and guest speakers/teachers to share their cultures, 遗产, and experiences with the VVS community members.



  • 与我们一起开始你的遗产

    To help you get st艺术ed on your plans and legacy, 你可以使用自由意志, an online 工具 that guides you through the process of creating your will or trust. It’s easy to use, accessible online and can be completed in 20 minutes. 你可以用 这个资源 on its own, or use it to document your wishes before finalizing your plans with an attorney.
  • 四种明智的捐赠选择

    而不是捐赠现金, many of our donors are opting for sm艺术er giving, non-cash options that not only support our mission but may also offer a variety of tax benefits. Click the link below to learn more about giving stocks, cryptocurrency, 来自IRA的礼物, and making a grant from a donor-advised fund.

  • Non-Probate资产

    Do you have an IRA, 401(k), life-insurance policy, or any other assets not included in your will? If so, these are called non-probate assets and you must plan your beneficiaries for them separately. 使用 这个在线工具 to make your plans and designate us as a beneficiary of one or more of these assets.
  • 计划给

    Have you already included a gift in your will or trust?  Please fill out this form to let us know! We would love to thank you for your generosity.
  • 通过捐赠股票来节省税收

    Donating stocks allows you to avoid capital gains tax and often take a charitable deduction for the full value of the asset. 使用这个 在线股票工具从FreeWill, donate stock so we can track your gift, 把正确的收据发给你, and you can get the tax savings you deserve. If you would prefer to make your donation through your broker, access 我们的转账信息 to notify 佛得角谷学校 of your gift.
  • 捐助者通知资金

    Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) are investment accounts for the sole purpose of supporting charitable organizations today.
    使用这个 安全DAF链接到:
    ● Automatically links with your DAF
    ● Allows you to recommend how you’d like your gift to be used
    ● Notifies 佛得角谷学校 of your intentions
  • Save on taxes by giving from your IRA

    如果你70岁.5岁或以上, giving from your IRA can help reduce your taxable income — and for those over 73 who must take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), an IRA gift is a simple way to fulfill it! 使用这个 工具 从你的个人退休账户中, you can auto-complete your paperwork and we can track your gift to send you the proper tax receipts.
  • Cryptocurrency

    We now accept donations of Ethereum, Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies! This gives us one more way to fund our work and can provide you with extra tax benefits. 
  • 不动产或财产的礼物

    房地产礼品, 艺术, 乐器, 设备, 家具, or other tangible property make wonderful and useful gifts to VVS. Some types of gifts provide valuable tax benefits to the donor.  联系Ben Lee blee@mschild.net.
佛得角谷学校是一所 国际学士学位 boarding and day high school for students in grades 9-12.